What’s Your Vision for Broad Street?
From the Hands-on Design Session on January 10th, coupled with community input received from the online survey earlier in the fall and the engineering survey performed on Broad Street, three common themes emerged to guide the Dover, Kohl & Partners team as they worked to sketch and test ideas for the future of Broad Street.
Overwhelmingly, these were the three main ideas that came up over and over again in the survey and at the Hands-On Workshop. Thank you for your continued feedback about Reimagining Broad Street. Stay tuned for updates in 2024.
(click on images below to view full sized pictures)
A Park Street
Broad(er) Sidewalks
Draft Option A features include:
Much of the walking space is in the center of the street with a shaded path of trees, similar to Las Ramblas in Barcelona.
Both sides of the street will have wider sidewalks, but most activity would take place in the center.
The travel lanes would be right-sized, with the ability to still accommodate deliveries, fire trucks, and larger vehicles.
The street is curbless. Bollards and trees would help to define the space, but allow for flexibility to repurpose the street for events.
Draft Option B features include:
Right sizing the number of vehicle travel lanes and parking spaces to provide opportunity to recapture space for pedestrians.
The sidewalks are wider on both sides, providing room for activity and shared public spaces.
The center median is slightly wider to create a signature linear green of trees and urban landscaping.
Bike lanes are moved to above the curb, integrated with the sidewalk instead of below the curb along the street.
Draft Option C features include:
All cars are shifted to one side of the street, allowing for the super-sizing of the sidewalk on one side of the street. The opposite sidewalk will also be wider.
Existing trees are preserved along with additional rows of trees added.
Bike lanes are located alongside the street trees, providing a natural delineation for walking, biking and running.
The reconfiguration creates countless opportunities to incorporate events, meeting spaces, and cafes. Broad Street will feel like a street within a park.