Creating a Premier Public Street in Downtown Chattanooga.

Broad Street Today
Broad Street is the premier urban corridor in the City of Chattanooga and links two of the City's greatest assets - Downtown and the Riverfront.
During the ONE Riverfront planning process, the community voiced a strong desire to develop a comprehensive and visionary plan for Broad Street. Reimagining Broad Street will be a detailed, block-by-block urban design analysis that will address public realm improvements, multi-modal transportation enhancements, integrate technology, green infrastructure, parking, economic development opportunities, all while supporting existing businesses and urban residents.
Join us - the City of Chattanooga, River City Company and the Chattanooga Design Studio - in Reimagining Broad Street to improve the linkage of key areas in downtown, enhance cultural assets and re-focus the street to be a pedestrian-oriented, public space that will support the revival and future strength of our downtown.
*photo credit: Chattanooga Tourism Company